Coming Together to Combat Dengue

Dengue cases have been on the rise in Singapore, with this year’s cases surpassing that of previous years. The Tampines Town Council responded promptly by ramping up its efforts to combat the spread of dengue.

On 11 August 2020, our Chairman, Ms Cheng Li Hui, led a team of volunteers – including NUS students and migrant workers – in a coordinated dengue sweep in Tampines. This effort was in joint partnership with the National Environment Agency (NEA), SG Accident Help Centre, and National University of Singapore (NUS).

The group from NUS was headed by Dr. Tan Lai Yong, who teaches community health at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and volunteers with migrant workers on a regular basis. According to Dr. Tan, “Many migrant workers are thankful to be working in Singapore and want to give back to society.”

One of the volunteers was 32-year-old Arsad from Bangladesh. He was invited to join the event by the SG Accident Help Centre, which helps engage migrant workers who are unable to work after getting injured on the job. He said: “[The SG Accident Help Centre helps] me with food and my visits to the clinic to see the doctor. When they told me about this event, I was happy to come and help.”

During the event, volunteers walked around the estate to pick up litter that could potentially collect water and turn into mosquito breeding grounds. At the same time, teams from NEA and the Town Council oiled drains to kill mosquito larvae. “All it takes is five days, and mosquitoes will reproduce by the thousands,” Dr. Tan cautioned.

Mosquito Control Measures in Tampines

Tampines Town Council has stepped up our preventive measures to eliminate any potential mosquito breeding grounds at the common areas. Inspections are conducted, and mosquito control measures have been implemented. Some mosquito control measures include clearing of drains, oiling of gully traps, and inspection of bin centres and rooftops.

Residents should apply mosquito repellent and practise the 5-step Mozzie Wipeout regularly to protect you and your loved ones.

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