Growing Our Green Future with 100 Fruit Trees

100 green lungs that will bear delicious fruits were planted by MPs and 800 residents in Tampines Sun Plaza Park in the morning of 26 October 2019, as part of the annual tree planting carnival.

“The tree planting campaign was launched in 1963 by founding Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew. Today’s tree planting ceremony has an added significance as 2019 is designated as Singapore’s Year Towards Zero Waste. Climate change affects every Singaporean and is an issue many of us are passionate about. After all, our future generations will inherit the consequences of our actions today,” said Ms Cheng Li Hui. She was joined by Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat, Minister Masagos Zulkifli, Mr Desmond Choo and Mr Baey Yam Keng.

Akin to an orchard within the park, a plethora of fruit trees species, such as Kedondong, Langsat, Terap, Longan and Rambutan were planted. Ms Cheng added that consolidating these fruit trees within a single plot of land makes it easier to maintain and harvest.

A series of eco-seminars and workshops that drove home the importance of eco-consciousness and sustainable lifestyle serves to educate residents on eco-friendly practices. This includes useful tips on growing nutritious microgreens, leading a zero-waste lifestyle and even cultivating Phalaenopsis orchids at home!

Mr Partha, 39, a resident who accompanied his son to plant trees, commented: “Raising awareness of eco-consciousness is crucial, especially when we are now in the midst of global warming.” It is also a great opportunity for parent Ms Crystina Tan, 38, to show her maternal love. She crafted a vividly coloured bookmark made of dried flowers for her seven-year-old son. “He reads a lot, so bookmarks are a must for him. This bookmark is both aesthetically appealing and functional,” she smiled. Young children were awed by ethereal bubble shows and whimsical magic performances. The National Environment Agency also put up a humorous “Towards Zero Waste” skit that drew chuckles from the residents while showing how they can use less plastic in their daily lives.

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